Published Papers
1. Githiri, M.N, (2017). Influence of physical environment on customer satisfaction and return intention in Kenyan rated Restaurant. Asian Journal of Social Sciences Studies, Vol 2:11
2. Githiri, M.N, Khayiya, R and Mutisya, M (2016). Influence of service quality towards customer satisfaction and return intention: A study at rated restaurants. International Journal of Extensive Research, Vol: 6:9-15, ISSN: 2394-0301
3. Githiri, M.N, Okemo, P and Kiminywe, J (2014). Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus contamination on ready to eat chicken at a hospital in Kenya. Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary. Volume: 1, Issue: 22, June 2014, ISSN: 2319- 2801
4. Githiri, M.N. Kiminywe, J and Okemo, P (2013). Knowledge in Food hygiene and hygienic differ in food handlers at a hospital in Nairobi, Kenya. African Journal of Food Science and Technology. Vol 4 (1) pp 19- 24. ISSN: 2141-5455
5. Githiri, M.N, Okemo, P and Kiminywe, J (2009). Hygienic practices and Occurrence of Coliform and Staphylococcus on food at a public hospital in Kenya. Journal of Applied Biosciences Vol. 27 : 1727 – 1731. ISSN: 1997-5902
Recent Publication
1. Githiri, M.N. (2020).Recovery Strategies for Service Failure and Customers’ Return Intention. A case of Classified Restaurants in Kenya. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management.Vol. 8 No. 1: 10-18.
DOI: 10.15640/jthm.v8n1a2 URL:
2. Githiri, M.N, (2019). Does Customers’ Expectations on Star Rating Always Predict Satisfaction? A Study Done in Kenyan Restaurants. International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, Vol. 7:10 (10) : 81- 88.
3. Githiri, M,N, (2018). An examination of the relationship between perceived price fairness on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Kenyan Star Rated Restaurants. International Journal of Scientific and Management, Vol: 6, Issue 10: 763-770, ISSN: 2321- 3418.