1. Ogolla KO, Onyango T, Bwana BK, Otiende MY, Mang’era CM, Ochieng B, Omolo MO, Mugambi JM, Hassanali A, Omondi P and Mireji PO (2023) Bloodmeal host identities among sympatric Glossina austeni and Glossina pallidipes tsetse flies in Shimba Hills National Reserve, Kwale, Kenya. Front. Trop. Dis 4:1145993. doi:10.3389/fitd.2023.1145993
2. Mireji PO, Mang’era CM, Bwana BK and Hassanali A (2022) Perspectives on Odor-Based Control of Tsetse Flies in Africa. Front. Physiol. 13:831618. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.831618
3. Mutuku CN; Bateta R; Rono MK; Njunge JM; Awuoche EO; Ndung'u K; Mang'era CM; Akoth MO; Adung'a VO; Ondigo BN; Mireji PO. Physiological and proteomic profiles of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense parasite isolated from suramin responsive and non-responsive HAT patients in Busoga, Uganda. Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist. 2021;15:57-67;
4. Mang'era, CM.; Khamis, FM.; Awuoche, EO.; Hassanali, A; Ombura, FLO; Mireji, PO. Transcriptomic response of Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto mosquito larvae to Curry tree (Murraya koenigii) phytochemicals. Parasit Vectors. 2021; Jan 2;14(1):1.
5. Kabaka JM, Wachira BM, Mang’era CM, Rono MK, Hassanali A, Okoth SO, et al. Expansions of chemosensory gene orthologs among selected tsetse fly species and their expressions in glossina morsitans morsitans tsetse fly. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2020;14:1–23.
6. Mang’era CM, Hassanali A, Khamis FM, Rono MK, Lwande W, Mbogo C, Mireji PO. 2018. Growth-disrupting Murraya koenigii leaf extracts on Anopheles gambiae larvae and identification of associated candidate bioactive constituents. Acta Trop. 190:304–11.
7. Mang’era, C.M., Mbai F.N., Omedo I.A., Omar S.A., 2012. Changes in genotypes of Plasmodium falciparum human malaria parasite following withdrawal of chloroquine in Tiwi, Kenya. Acta Trop. 123, 202-207.
8. Shaviya, N., Mang’era, C.M., Makokha, F.W., Kimani, F.T., Ongus, J.R. 2012 Expansion of the wildtype pfcrt 76K allele in Plasmodium falciparum populations in Mbita, Kenya. African Journal of Health Sciences 22, 176-187.
9. Shaviya, N., Zablon, J.O., Mang’era, C.M., Makokha, F.W., Wamalwa, R.W., Sowayi, G.A. 2014. Genotyping for point mutations in selected codons of pfcrt and pfmdr-1 genes of Plasmodium falciparum among patients with uncomplicated malaria in Mbita district Kenya. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 4, 114-123.